The Emerald Flame

A World of Warcraft Guild Site

Site Update

We haven’t updated the site in awhile, but with good reason.  Wrath of the Lich King has kept us very busy, and the forums has taken over the raid sign-up function.  Thus, I’ve went back and deleted all the old Kara sign-ups and I’ve updated the roster.  If I missed any of your characters, please send me a tell in game.

We will try to keep the updates coming, but still defer to the forums for the majority of our out of game guild communications.

Thanks!  Hope you are enjoying Northrend!

-Pepperbox / Pumkin

Zomgz Update!

So a few things have been updated in anticipation of Wrath of the Lich King.

First, I’ve added pages for Death Knights and Inscriptions so you can post your insights and links there.

Also, I’ve made a small update to the active roster. I am pretty sure I missed people, so just let me know.



This is Treassa. Pumkin is over at mah house right now and made the mistake of abandoning the computer without logging out of WordPress, so I have authorship access!

But I don’t really have anything important to say, so I will instead give you this dirty WoW limerick I wrote!

There once was a gnome from Ironforge
Who fell for a girl orc named George
So his hunter friend set a trap
While he donned his mind control cap
To get access to her Searing Gorge

PS – no, I’m not 70 yet so stop asking!

Neat mod

RatingBuster is a mod that breaks down all the stats on a given piece of equipment into percentage values, so you can see just how much you stand to gain or lose from equipping that item. If you ever find yourself in the “should I?/shouldn’t I?” debate about a particular piece of gear, this might be a good mod for you!

Cross-posted to our Forums.


I found some free forums so I made us one.

Here’s the link:

Post here or on the forums about improvements that we could make.


Emerald Flame going ons.

As we all know Kara hasn’t been happening with us.  Do to out of games issues, some people have taken a break from WoW, thus hurting our raiding numbers.  To make up for this, we should all be doing our part in recruiting people.  We should all be of sufficient rank to recruit new people into the guild, so  we should all do our part to meet new people and send out invites.  I’ll be the first to say that I suck at recruiting so any advice would be nice for us all.  One general tip to follow is, if you group with someone who isn’t half bad, just let them know a little about us, and tell them to keep us in mind if they want to try a new guild.


Anzu DOWN! Dr00ds full of win!!!

Our guild run in Heroic Sethekk Halls went very well this evening, with us one-shotting all the bosses–including the druid-only summon boss, Anzu. We all made it out in one piece, and as a reward, Feril and Caelorum got their swift flight forms!

We’d sincerely like to thank everyone who volunteered to come, and everyone who ran the instance with us. We definitely appreciate your help in getting this quest completed!!!

Epix burds!

[Update: Thanks to everyone for your comments! It looks like we’re going to try a Thursday night run (4/3) starting at 10pm server time. Hope to see some of you there!]

Though we don’t have a ton of druids in the guild, there are two in particular that have been anxiously awaiting their epic flight forms. Feril and I have completed all of the prerequisites of the quest up to our battle with Anzu in Heroic Sethekk Halls.

We’d like to get a group together to attempt this heroic instance sometime soon, and we’d LOVE it if it could be an all-guild run. I think it’s safe to say we’ve geared ourselves pretty well over these last couple of Kara runs, so we stand a good chance of completing it.

So…anyone? Pretty, pretty please? Need I remind you that badges drop in heroic instances? And phat lewts? Besides, you’d be helping a couple of guildies that have done the same for you in the past and will continue to do so in the future! As an added motivator, most–if not all–of the Kara A Group have a quest for part of Heroic Sethekk Halls, which will net you rep and gold.

Please comment if you’d be willing to tag along. Also, list times/days that are convenient to you. Right now, we’re hoping to do a run this Thursday night, April 3 (we haven’t set a time yet). Hope to see some of you there!


[Also, don’t forget that signups for this weekend’s Kara run have already started!]

Fury of the Sunwell: Patch 2.4 is Live!

Happy Patch Day!!! Here are the patch notes.

So, who’s ready to raid the Sunwell? :)

How do I get there?!
Start off from the quest giver in Shattrath City who is standing next to A’dal. He will direct you to Ironforge, where you can catch a gryphon to Sun’s Reach on the Isle of Quel’danas. This serves as the quest hub for the zone. Additional dailies for Shattered Sun Offensive faction are also available in Shattrath City, so make sure you’re keeping an eye out for the blue exclamation point markers!!!

Some mods to update:
Deadly Boss Mod
Quartz (a timing mod)
On a sad note, Damagemeters is not planned to be updated for 2.4, unless a new person takes on the task.
YACL (A newer Damage meter that works in 2.4.)
Recount (A huge DM that works in 2.4 but is very detailed.)

I found this link to WoWinterface. It’s a guide to the updated mods in 2.4, if you haven’t updated yet.

Karazhan this weekend?

I know many people are going to be at my house on Saturday for Zombie Day, and Sunday is Easter and many people will be out of town, so is a Kara raid a feasible option this weekend? Do we wanna try a Friday night raid? Tell me what you think.

